Busy Doing Nothing

Paperback, 237 pages

English language

5 stars (2 reviews)

We are artist and sailors, and have been living, and working from our sailboat since 2016.

In 2020, we completed our circumnavigation of the Pacific Ocean. The last passage from Japan (Shimoda) to Canada (Victoria) took 51 days, and it was the hardest thing we've ever done. We decided to keep a physical logbook of daily happenings onboard.

2 editions

Fun, interesting, and tasty

5 stars

Couldn't recommend this book enough. I really enjoy the philosophy of the rabbits, and this book was a very fun way to see how they live, think and generally execute on their desire to live minimally while still accomplishing something as incredible as crossing an ocean with a small sailboat. I also loved the small gems nestled away within the descriptions of their travel: tasty vegan recipes, great book recommendations, tips of how to use technology in a more resilient/longer-lasting way, and much more.

Felt really true

4 stars

Initially it seems like a plain captain's log. Through the repetition of each day's routine and how these days might look similar but end up being single stories themselves, a journey's description emerges from all those details. It's as true as it gets and I really appreciated that, it humbled me to read about these peoples' lives.


  • Sailing
  • Boats
  • Logbook