Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo!

Paperback, 368 pages

Published Jan. 5, 2016 by Twelve.


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4 stars (1 review)

When Yahoo hired star Google executive Marissa Mayer to be its CEO in 2012 employees rejoiced. They put posters on the walls throughout Yahoo's California's headquarters. On them, there was Mayer's face and one word: HOPE. But just more than a year later -- on November 4, 2013 -- Mayer sat in front those same employees in a huge cafeteria on Yahoo's campus and took the beating of her life. Her hair wet, and her tone defensive, Mayer read and answered a series of employee-posed questions challenging the basic elements of her plan. There was anger in the room, and behind it, a question: Was Mayer actually going to be able to do this thing? Nicholas Carlson's fast-paced narrative is the inside story of how Yahoo got into such awful shape in the first place, Mayer's controversial rise at Google, and her desperate fight to save an Internet icon. - …

4 editions

Three bald men and a blonde (or two)

4 stars

Prior to reading this book by Nicholas Carlson, I’ve only seen the snippets criticizing Marissa Mayer’s performance at Yahoo and reactions that the book is a hack job. However, I found the author’s treatment to be fairly balanced, pointing out the early progress she made and the major role she played at Google

Frankly, I found the account of her career at Google and the assorted politics there more interesting than her fewer years at Yahoo, but despite its title, this book is not just about the Mayer era at Yahoo — it covers Yahoo’s history and the succession of management there from its beginning, which is fascinating and convincingly poses the question what Yahoo’s role really is and can the company be saved if the question of its relevance can’t be answered?

The book is only slightly blemished by a few incongrously put together sentences where I wondered exactly …