Stefkus reviewed Farm der Tiere by George Orwell
Farm der Tiere
4 stars
"Alle Tiere sind gleich aber manche sind gleicher"
"Alle Tiere sind gleich aber manche sind gleicher"
This book gives a lot of thought about the current time, but has done so in previous years. The key takeaway is to take care of yourself, your rights and to stand up for what you believe is right.
A great insightful and easy read.
Well, power corrupts, and leaders are all evil. Short at least, and will stick with you. Would liked to have seen Snowball have a final say
A much shorter and maybe even slightly more relatable dystopian story about a micro-society of intelligent farm animals turned authoritarianism. The story walks you through a process starting with great ideas for the common good, slowly perverted into one "persons" will.
A great, easy read that complimenets or perhaps precedes 1984. At least sets up the "early phase" of what 1984 portrays.
Una de las mejores analogías que he leído y en este caso, Orwell expone la cruda realidad del comunismo representada en los animales de la granja, donde los cerdos son los líderes del nuevo gobierno (nada mejor representado con los cerdos) y sus víctimas, los animales según el carácter de cada uno de ellos. Un libro recomendado.