Really long
4 stars
I'm not sorry I read it, I liked the world-building, but I don't know if I can make it through 11 more books in this series!
Was mich an dem Buch besonders reizt ist der Weltenbau der kaum einen Aspekt auslässt und sichberfrischend vom üblichen Romantik-Mittelalter Fantasysetting abhebt.
I'm not sorry I read it, I liked the world-building, but I don't know if I can make it through 11 more books in this series!
The Way of Kings is a worldbuilding masterpiece. Its characters are rich and internally complex, their stories are fascinating, and their motivations compelling (even when you disagree with them). The single exception to this is the Shallan arc.
This is not because Shallan is a bad character, but because she's a decent character surrounded by great ones, and because it takes too long for her arc to connect to the main story.
I highly, highly recommend reading this book, and most of this author's other works.