Key out of time

Time Traders #4


English language

Published Jan. 7, 2023 by Standard Ebooks.

4 stars (1 review)

The fourth novel in Andre Norton’s Time Traders series, Key Out of Time follows Ross Murdock, Gordon Ashe, Karara Trehern, and the rest of a Terran settlement team as they search the planet Hawaika for traces of a galactic civilization.

All of the knowledge they had about Hawaika before embarking on their exploratory mission had been obtained from an ancient space-navigation guide. Yet, the world it described was nowhere in sight. Surrounded on all sides by shallow seas and archipelagos instead of the major landmasses they had expected to find, the Terrans must now try to reconcile the planet’s past with its present. What could have transformed the planet so dramatically and what happened to the intelligent beings who had once colonized the planet? The key to this mystery lies somewhere in time.

3 editions

The line between fantasy and science fiction has always been fuzzy

4 stars

The Andre Norton books I've read over the last couple of years have all been on the action/adventure side of sci-fi, and this is no exception. What I found myself thinking about was how fuzzy, and sometimes arbitrary, the line between science fiction and fantasy really is.

90% of the book takes place on a world with pre-industrial technology. There are two factions with sufficiently-advanced technology that might as well be magic. The Cold War elements of the earlier books are pushed aside by the local conflict on Hawaika, with a handful of stranded humans and dolphins caught in the middle with nothing more high-tech than scuba gear and a convenient translator device. It could easily be a portal fantasy!

While the adventure was entertaining, I started paying more attention to the tropes connecting to the other books and, in some cases, being turned on their heads. Instead of a …


  • Fiction
  • Kerara Trehern (Fictitious character)
  • Time travel
  • American Science fiction
  • Ross Murdock (Fictional Character)