Pregària per als tímids com els arbres

144 pages

Català language

Published by Mai Més.

5 stars (8 reviews)

Després de recórrer les zones rurals de Panga, Dex, uni mongi del te de cert renom, i Moixeró, un robot enviat a una recerca per determinar què realment necessita la humanitat, dirigeixen la seva atenció als pobles i ciutats de la petita lluna que anomenen casa. Esperen trobar les respostes que busquen, a la vegada que fan nous amics, aprenen nous conceptes i experimenten la naturalesa entròpica de l’univers. La nova sèrie de Becky Chambers continua preguntant-se: en un món on la gent té el que vol, importa tenir-ne més?

5 editions

Beautiful book. I am amazed at Becky Chamber's magic abilities.

5 stars

Content warning General spoilers

Quick, gentle, sensorially rich read

4 stars

Content warning Oblique reference to ending


5 stars

At first I was low-key disappointed: Mosscap's candid questions slightly annoyed me, and I was dreading the answer. The moment where the story would answer its central question: when all your basic needs are met, what else do you need?

In other stories about the meaning of life (or adjacent themes), I could always relate to the part with the questions, and end up disappointed by the answer that the characters find, because the answer specifically works for them, and not for me. It's probably impossible to answer this kind of question in a way that will satisfy every reader, so why even try in the first place?

And... well, I like the direction that the book took, especially in its last chapter. It made me think of How to do nothing, except that Jenny Odell explains you what Becky Chambers makes you experience.

Also, I just …

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5 stars