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Lulu/ Lucien Locked account

Joined 7 months, 1 week ago

Je lis principalement en Anglais, mais aussi en Français (majoritairement quand c'est la VO, et trad d'autres langues que l'Anglais) ; à la fois de la fiction et des documentaires. Genres : des classiques, SF/fantastic/fantasy, Modernisme, poésie, très rares lectures d'horreur. Docu : astronomie, anciennes civilisations/archéologie/ (prè)histoire/s, psychologie, féminisme, biographies, arts

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When the Tripods Came (2003, Tandem Library) 4 stars

Fourteen-year-old Laurie and his family attempt to flee England when the Tripods descend from outer …

La préquelle de John Christopher publiée en 1988 à sa propre trilogie Tripods de 1968-69

4 stars

Je n'ai pas tendance à aimer les préquelles, mais comme cela figurait dans le coffret de la trilogie originale Tripods, j'ai pensé lui donner une chance.

Dans la préface, John Christopher, l'auteur, explique quelques-unes des raisons qui l'ont poussé à écrire ce préquel. Les deux principales sont :

il était mécontent de la façon dont la BBC s'était si éloignée de son histoire originale dans son adaptation télévisée dans laquelle ils étaient restés plus ou moins fidèles au premier tome pendant la première moitié de la série 1, avant de prendre des libertés croissantes et d'arriver sur un tout autre chemin pendant la saison etet demie restante avant qu'ils n'annule la série.

Il avait reçu des critiques de la part des scientifiques lors de cette émission de la BBC, portant essentiellement sur son manque d'imagination en ce qui concerne la technologie infrarouge, qui n'en était qu'à ses débuts dans les …

When the Tripods Came (2003, Tandem Library) 4 stars

Fourteen-year-old Laurie and his family attempt to flee England when the Tripods descend from outer …

John Christopher's 1988 prequel to his own 1968-69 Tripods trilogy

4 stars

I don't tend to like prequels, but as this came in the boxed-set of the original Tripods trilogy, I thought to give it a chance.

In the preface, John Christopher, the author, explains a few of the reasons which lead him to write this prequel. the main two are :

he was unhappy with the way the BBC had veered so far away from his original story in their tv-adaptation in which they remained more or less faithful to the first book during the first half of series 1, before they took increasing liberties and to arrive to a whole different path during the remain series and a half before they pulled off the plug on the show He had received critics from scientists during this BBC show, pertaining, basically, to his lack of imagination in regards to the infrared technology, which was only its beginnings in the 1960's when …

La planète des singes (French language, 2003) 5 stars

A classic of SF/Fantasy, written by a Frenchman

5 stars

Jinn & Phylisse took vacations ... in space. They discover a manuscript in a drifting bottle ... they read the story of the adventures of Ulysse Mérou, professor Antelle and Arthur Levain, who departed in the year 2500, in their spaceship from Earth in the direction of supergiant Betelgeuse.

They discover towns, houses, forests ... would that be a sister to planet Earth? Almost, since here the monkeys reign supreme and men living in a wild state...

Pierre Boule denounces, through this fantastic classic novel, many abuses of humans on earth. He apparently imagined the story during a visit to the zoo, wondering if Darwinian evolution was reversed ... promoting intellect in apes, leaving humans completely backword...

At times, this novel is difficult to read because of some horrific descriptions - precisely, human deprivations. But it must be read, I think, so that everyone grasps the scope of the horror. …

The trouble with women (2016) 3 stars

Sarcasm against machismo, we need it

3 stars

With humor, "The trouble with women" is an illustrated book, presenting small cartoon vignettes about women's erased history, why so few have been studied about, whether they had been artists, scientists etc. I didn't learn anything new, apart for a couple names, but it's a good, quick, under one hour of fast paced reading and laughing at the texts and images, full of humor and sarcasm.

This all is about misogyny, how men viewed and then attempted to erase women, block their access to education, locking into a domestic life, and the like. But, since the topic would otherwise be heavy, these texts and cartoons make them much lighter, to the point of laughing at the absurdities that all these men had created in the erasure of women.

Women Artists: An Illustrated History (1997) 4 stars

A book about women artists, a subject too often forgotten

4 stars

This beautifully illustrated book's about women artists, a topic which is often forgotten, just like these women themselves. In our modern culture, knowledge about women have been generally set aside in favor of men and that is true not only for artists but also scientists, poets and writers, or just about any other job one can think off.

Things did change, somewhat, but the general consensus remains male-focused in a patriarchal world.

The aim of this book isn't exhaustiveness in listing ALL the women artists in the entire world and in the entire history as that would take many volumes.

The aim, therefore, is to awaken curiosity and to nudge the reader to find out more information about the various artists the author chose to discuss and showcase their art, or to search other names.

Indeed, the book in divided into 7 chapters, each concentrating on a period such as …

The Story of Kullervo (2016) 5 stars

Réécriture/fanfic par Tolkien d'une histoire qui l'a fortement influencé

5 stars

Pour une fois, ce n'est pas Christopher Tolkien qui attire notre attention sur une œuvre fantasty jusqu'alors inconnue de son père J.R.R. Tolkien. Celui-ci vient de Verylyn Flieger, qui édite et commente The Story of Kullervo.

Elle nous raconte le processus que JRR avait lu la traduction anglaise du Kalevala de 1907 au cours de sa dernière année à la King Edwards School de Birmingham, en 1910-11. Peu de temps après - en 1911 - il empruntait un livre sur la grammaire finlandaise, souhaitant lire l'histoire dans sa langue originale - et arriva à la conclusion que la traduction de W.F Kirby était médiocre - même si Tolkien avouerait qu'il avait également des difficultés à apprendre le finnois.

Néanmoins, il a compris le lien entre l'histoire et le langage et a été profondément influencé dans son inspiration à la fois dans l'invention/création de ses propres langages et dans la narration. …

The Story of Kullervo (2016) 5 stars

Tolkien's rewriting/fanfic of a story that highly influenced him

5 stars

For a change, it's not Christopher Tolkien who brings our attention to a previously unknown work of fantasy by his J.R.R. Tolkien. This one comes from Verylyn Flieger, editing and commenting The Story of Kullervo.

As she tells us about the process, JRR had read the 1907 English translation of the Kalevala during his last year at King Edwards School in Birmingham, in 1910-11. Shortly thereafter - in 1911 - he burrowed a book on Finnish Grammar, wishing to read the story in its original language - and arrived at the conclusion that W.F Kirby's translation was poor - though Tolkien would confess that he also had difficulties learning Finnish.

Nonetheless, he understood the connection between story and language, and deeply influenced his inspiration both in inventing/creating his own languages and towards storytelling.

As Verlyn Flieger points out, it's very difficult to pin-point this story's composition, set between 1912 at …

La Matière noire, (Paperback, Français language, 2015, RBA France) 5 stars

"Au cours des dernières décennies, les observations scientifiques ont, semble-t-il, détecté la présence dans le …

Rather for informed astronomy (and related) enthusiasts, there is some jargon

5 stars

Original title (spanish) : Un paseo por el cosmos

Also: Vianney Aubert (French adaptation); Magali Mangin (Translation); Alain Bouquet (scientific proofreading); Tiphaine Diaconu (correction)

4th book finished in January (2024) but only pages 36-154 were read this month (details at the end).

Completed the 'Incognito' challenge (cover without characters) at LucieBulle.

Science book - Astronomy. See at the end and in key words, the associated tags.

Before starting my review, I will copy - then comment on - the back cover, which might cause confusion.

"Over the last few decades, scientific observations have apparently detected the presence in the cosmos of a new category of matter. Described as "black", because it is very difficult to detect, it is much more abundant than its ordinary counterpart. With the no less mysterious “dark energy”, it represents 95% of the total content of the cosmos. Its density is such that it conditions the …

La Matière noire, (Paperback, Français language, 2015, RBA France) 5 stars

"Au cours des dernières décennies, les observations scientifiques ont, semble-t-il, détecté la présence dans le …

Plutôt pour passionés d'astronomie (et connexes) avertis, y'a du jargon

5 stars

4e livre terminé en Janvier (2024) mais, seules les pages 36-154 étaient lues ce mois (détails à la fin).

Accompli le défi 'Incognito' (couverture sans personnage) chez LucieBulle.

Livre de science - Astronomie. Voir à la fin et en mots clé, les tag associés.

Deux précisions, comme la 4ème de couverture (en description) peut prêter à confusion.

Primo, les scientifiques n'ont pas réélement détécté la présence, ni de la matière noire, ni de l'energie noire. En fait, le livre parle des recherches pour trouver ce qu'ils supposent les représenter.

Deuxio, les 95% ne correspondent pas à la matière noire, mais à sa valeur combinée avec celle de l'énergie noire.

Je passe maintenant aux détails/ critique :

Le livre retrace l'histoire des découvertes et théories qui ont menées à la supposition que la matière connue dans notre univers n'est finalement qu'une infime partie, soit 5% du total, alors que le reste …

reviewed Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

Piranesi (Paperback, 2020, Berryville, Bloomsbury Publishing) 4 stars

From the New York Times bestselling author of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, an …

Potential that I felt wasted

3 stars

Content warning a rare spoilery post

Living at the Speed of Light (2021, Kingsley Publishers, Jessica) 5 stars

A friend's book about living with bipolar disorder

5 stars

Katie Conibear is a friend I met first online and then in person... In the meantime, they (nonbinary at the time of publishing) had published this book, discussing the realities of living with bipolar disorder and sharing practical tips and advice.

This book is divided into chapters, all written in a way that the average person will understand, with explanations of specific jargons kept to a minimum.

They explain different symptoms, whether mania, hypomania, psychosis or even depression, which accompany the ups and downs of this disorder - hence the title, which means "living at the speed of light ".

There are tips for managing relationships, dealing with stigma and discrimination, and learning to be comfortable with stability.

A chapter is dedicated to how friends, family and caregivers can support practically.

La vie devant soi (French language, 1982) 4 stars

Quartier de Belleville, années 70. Momo, 10 ans vit chez Madame Rosa, une ancienne prostituée …

A really difficult and mixed read

3 stars

Book read as part of "common reading" for October 2023, at LucieBulle's book club. Warning : adult material. This novel was translated into English : The Life Before Us.

Paris, Belleville district, 1970s. Momo, aged ten, lives in a boarding house specially created for kids who were "born crooked", the words he uses for the children of prostitutes, at a time when this was so frowned upon, that public assistance would have intervened to remove all these children and place them elsewhere, especially since Ms. Rosa, the creator of this particular shelter, had also been a prostitute.

She is also a survivor of Auschwitz, and thus, Momo sees her prey to both her traumas, and her failing sick body - which pushes the doctor to want to have her hospitalized, against the wishes of Mrs. Rosa, who doesn't want not become a vegetable, forced to live.

Momo lacks neither philosophical …

L'homme qui n'aimait plus les chats (French language) 2 stars

You shouldn't hype a book by comparing it to GREAT ones of the genre...

2 stars

The title both caught my eye, while revolting me a little; What do you mean, a man who no longer liked cats?! Why ?! So, when I read the back cover, I said to myself, ah, a dystopian novel, it must just be a metaphor and there won't even be any cats!

Well, hold on: the cats are there, but after a few chapters of introduction to a peaceful town on an island, the narrator announces that they have simply disappeared, for no apparent reason, except the words of a child who tends to lie, or at least exaggerates facts, you know, like the one who cries wolf.

The narrator ultimately addresses Thomas' grandson, the lighthouse keeper, who died before the long-awaited arrival of his children. He tells us about the inhabitants of this island, their jobs, the consensus of their arrival which was voluntary exile from France, but above …

2 B R 0 2 B (1962) 5 stars

Phone number as a title, chilling dystopia or imagined necessity?

5 stars

This short story by Kurt dating from 1962 already imagined a possible solution to the problem of overpopulation, although less serious than today. I warn you, the subject can be triggering.

No future date is given, but, in this story where the society in which aging has been cured, and where a painter is already 200 years old, we can assume minimum around 2150...

Additionally, individuals have an indefinite lifespan and population control is used to limit the population of the United States to forty million.

Here we come to the chilling part, or imagined necessity... Because this number is maintained thanks to a combination of infanticide and government-assisted suicide - via the dedicated service number of the Federal Bureau of Termination - the Bureau Federal Terminations. This number is 2 B R 0 2 B, to be pronounced 2 B R naught 2 B, a pun on the famous …

House of Mirth (2006, Little, Brown Book Group Limited) 5 stars

Beautiful, intelligent, and hopelessly addicted to luxury, Lily Bart is the heroine of this Wharton …

Second novel by Edith Wharton which propelled her among American authors

5 stars

Lily Bart, about 29 at the start of the novel, had been orphaned a few years prior, and raised by Julia Peniston, her aunt. Lily is accepted in New York City High Society of Nouveaux-Riches, and courted by several men, whom she refuses to marry, not wishing to settle with any one of them, in her yearning to be free of societal pressures, conventions and expected Rôle.

In this novel, Wharton depicts a complex woman, at the turn of the last century, around 1899-1900, who is torn between her wishes for independent, luxurious lifestyle in the Higher Classes, and societal pressures and expectations for her to marry a rich man to secure her positions, both financially and socially. Lily uses her charms – she is depicted a stunning beauty – but refuses marriage proposals.

In her attempt to safeguard the reputation of a person for whom she has very complicated …