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Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

YA and paranoia, mainly. Can't Speak French but pretend to read French books anyway. If you get an out-of-the-blue follow, it may be that I saw you on bookrastinating, where I lurk. Also: /

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Eco-Conscious Travel Guide (2022, HarperCollins Publishers Limited) 3 stars

A pretty idea book, not a guidebook

3 stars

Offers thematic itineraries (e.g., Spanish sunsets, British literature, Art Deco), all built on rail travel and many spanning multiple countries. It is by no means a guidebook; for each itinerary, you get a map and, for each city proposed, a picture and some copy. Don't expect restaurant listings. But as an idea book - particularly themed on trains - it's quite attractive and eye-opening.

A Brief Welcome to the Universe (Paperback, 2021, Princeton University Press) 1 star

A Brief Welcome to the Universe offers a breathtaking tour of the cosmos, from planets, …

Obnoxious and score-settling

1 star

Tyson is the most objectionable writer I've encountered all year. I'd like to fill in my science knowledge gaps, in an entertaining way, but he's picking fights with the New York Times (over Pluto as planet) and J.R.R. Tolkien (over the plural form of "dwarf"). It's tiring and self-centered. It's a very bad year when I give out two one-star reviews, but this is a very bad year.

Eastern Pyrenees (2013, Footprint) 2 stars

A useful, though narrow, little book

2 stars

This is a well-written, opinionated guide to the eastern portion of the Pyrenees mountain range dividing France and Spain. It's a good overview if you're thinking about the area, which is poorly covered by most tourism books. It loses a star just because it's rather old, and as quite a small book, it's poor value for money as a general guidebook.

If you're already considering a trip to this area, I do highly recommend it.

I Like You (Paperback, 2008, Grand Central Publishing) No rating

The bestselling entertaining guide from America's most delightfully unconventional hostess is now available in paperback! …

Hospitality under the influence (2007 review)

No rating

Well-written and funny, with a fair number of drug references, and recipes that look like they just might work, but one is a little reluctant to commit a lot of time to recipes from someone who proclaims herself to have both a primary and a backup dealer.

The bookstores really don’t know where to file this — some file it under Humor, some under Cooking, some just give up and stick it on a table in the middle of the store. During the book tour, Sedaris was at her most animated when railing against those who want to call it humor — she takes the recipe and entertaining bit very seriously, in an ironic sort of way, and she wants people to take her book seriously. It’s as if she truly believed she was the Betty Crocker for the new millennium, a burnt-out roach in the ashtray and a medicine …

Mount Tamalpais Trails (Paperback, 2016, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy) 4 stars

The mountain is eternal, but trails change, and in his new book, Mount Tamalpais Trails, …

The only useful book I have for Mt. Tam

4 stars

This and a prior edition are the only books I've found to cover Mt. Tam properly, with detailed terrain and history discussions as well as clear maps. Printed on heavy, glossy stock, it's a bit heavy to carry on a major trek. But no other book I've found serves me as well.

I threw away most of my travel books from before the pandemic. This 2016 guide is one of the few I kept.

Cult of the Dead Cow (Paperback, 2019) 4 stars

The shocking untold story of the elite secret society of hackers fighting to protect our …

Systems evolve into chaotic mush

3 stars

Much of this book is fascinating, if you're a geek old enough to remember BBSes. As hacker groups go, Cult of the Dead Cow was likely among the most ethical. But the handful of brilliant fools ended up solidly in the establishment — at Facebook and Yahoo, at DOD and the NSA, or at firms contracting for them. It's so common as to seem inevitable: an idea that starts in a garage ends up monetizing by spreading hate or spying on you.

Faith, Hope, and Carnage (Hardcover, 2022, Farrar, Straus & Giroux) 3 stars

Faith, Hope and Carnage is a meditation on faith, art, music, freedom, grief and love. …

Enlightening, even for non-fans

3 stars

I've never been filed under "Nick Cave fan," though I owe him musical debts that take too long too explain. A non-fan expects a goth rocker with all the tropes that go with the phrase. In this series of interviews with friend and journalist Seán O'Hagan, Cave opens up about his faith (!) and how the death of his son, followed by Covid, changed the trajectory of his life and music.

The Associated Press Stylebook (Paperback, 2022, Associated Press) 2 stars

Still very useful, but maddeningly organized

2 stars

Compared to my decade-plus-old copy, the modern AP Stylebook carries much more information but chops it up into singular categories like an old record shop. Religion, sports and punctuation have separately alphabetized sections, and other concepts are tossed into narrative sections like "Health and science" and "Business." The information is all there, but the index is 100 pages long and you'll need it.

Vu. Dictionnaire visuel pour tous (Hardcover, 1999, Gallimard) 4 stars

Pour trouver la signification d'un mot ou le nom de quelque chose : plus de …

Useful for learners of all ages

4 stars

Although targeted at kids, this illustrated French dictionary has been useful to me as an adult learner as well. I'm averse to learning through translation, having inititally been taught in immersion. This is great for seeing a bunch of related words on a single spread.