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FUat2mb Locked account

Joined 11 months, 3 weeks ago

I first joined the fediverse over a decade ago, when it was pretty much just using StatusNet (now GNU Social's Ostatus). I like reading, but I don't do it as much as I should. Trying to find a way to get my "queue" of books I want to read that I've kept in a spreadsheet for nearly as long in a more manageable database. There's always more books to read than books that have been read.

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Negroes With Guns (1962, Marzani & Munsell) 4 stars

This needs to be a movie

4 stars

It was not particularly well written, Williams is a solider not an author, but the story was great. I had never heard it before, and I think its a story that needs to be told. Someone should really make a movie of they Veteran who returns to his medium sized hometown from an integrated Army to a segregated community. The NAACP had given up on Monroe, there was nothing that could be gained, but Robert voted against dissolution and they make him chair. He also gets a charter from the NRA to teach other blacks how to defend themselves. They fought back against the KKK and got them out of town, but the national papers made no mention though they were all over some Natives doing the same a few weeks later. He opposed the initiation of force, but would insist on self-defense. Often just having a gun was enough …

Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants (2008) 5 stars

Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants is the second of 12 Indiana Jones …

Review of 'Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants' on 'LibraryThing'

5 stars

I don't remember the last time i fished a book in less than week, and i would have been two days if I had more time. I had to keep turning the page to see what happens next.A brilliant story even better than some of Lucasfilm.returnAfter getting his PhD in France Indy gets his first teaching job in London by the help of Marcus Brody. He teaches an intro class that most kids gloss over but the one egg head is also the deans daughter. Shes smaet young beautiful what every young American dreams a Scottish lass may be, but he's too scared.returnreturnThen crazy men start following him, eventually figuring their employees of this girl's ex..omg. Her term paper makes some pretty bold claims that Merlin was a historical figure, and she can prove it, as her mom just happened to br heading a dig this summer in same local.returnreturnIndy …

Maus (Hardcover, 1996, Pantheon) 4 stars

In a world where Jews are mice, Germans are Cats and the Polish are pigs, …

Review of 'The Complete Maus' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

Significantly better than I expected. Like many I first came to know of this book a number of years ago when it was "banned" for having nudity. Like so many "banned" books I feel its often a ploy by the publishing company to sell more books, particularly when they are books like this that have been in publicization for a long time. returnreturnI expected it to need the help because it wasn't that great. However I found it a pleasant read, granted you probably aren't supposed to get a pleasant read out of a holocaust book but I digress. I really appreciated the Vladek character when is so much a character of a miserly Jewish American that even the author notes he isn't sure he should include it because of how stereotypical it is. returnreturnA good look at the insight of a particularly family and there making, and no so …

Stargate SG-1 : Sunrise (Paperback, 2011, Fandemonium Books) 5 stars

Review of 'Stargate SG-1 : Sunrise' on 'LibraryThing'

5 stars

A very good read. light and fast. I did have to re watch SG-1 S04E10 "Beneth the Surface" to get some of the subtext of the immediate previous mission. returnreturnWhile still recovering from memories of someone else living in their head, SG-1 advances to a new planet in search of the "Shield of the gods" hoping that its a defense mechanism against the Go'ahuld. returnreturnThey find another very clean happy advanced city protected from the sun that would otherwise burn them to death, think climate change 40000 years from now. They all have accepted the same religion, which is lived out through the daytime soap opera of Sunrise teaching the beatitudes of their sun god. returnreturnThey find the daughter of the pastor knows of a whole beyond their ark. They meet people who are barley surviving and have mixed feelings about sun rise. returnreturnThe sun god they worship and fear …

The World of Lucha Libre (Hardcover, 2008, Duke University Press) 5 stars

The World of Lucha Libre is an insider's account of lucha libre, the popular Mexican …

A fantastic academic work on Lucha Libre

5 stars

I found this book absolutely wonderful. Levi looks a wrestling from a whole new angle. Granted occasionally I felt she was seeing things that weren't there, but that is true of almost any academic work.

Much of the book is based on her experience, as an American Sociological Academic, training to be a luchadora in Mexico City. Its the way she really get to see how training happens gets to actually have real conversations with Luchadores.

I found it incredibly serprising how Lucha Libre had developed quite differently from its American counterpart primarily because it had been banned from being on TV for almost 40 years.

Her take on the class struggle was interesting and how it relates to various characters and takes on this sport. Her emphasis on the sport of lucha, not sport-like, not sports entertainment was also interesting, always while acknowledging the match outcome is pre-determined still …

The Mythical Man-Month (1995, Addison-Wesley Professional) 5 stars

Classic text on the human side of software engineering, containing essays on the management of …

Review of 'The Mythical Man-Month' on 'LibraryThing'

5 stars

This book was written in the sixties, yet, I find its recommendations and requirements for software development are just as helpful, humorous and educational in the 21st century. I still don't understand how they got any work done back then with manually teletypes, printed requirements documents being updated everyday and the like, but they still had the exact same problems we do now. returnreturnThe two things I took away most, "the more people you add to a late project, the later the project is." Along with the title of the mythical man month, is the idea "nine women can't make a baby in a month." The other point, was that whatever your estimate is for development time, you need to consider at least twice as much for validation. This is counter intuitive, you develop it once, you test it once, and that test takes less time than writing code did, …

Countdown to lockdown (2010, Grand Central Pub.) 3 stars

Review of 'Countdown to lockdown' on 'LibraryThing'

3 stars

not particularly bad, and not particularly good. Have a nice dayis by far Micks best work so read that over this. I felt there was more wwe content mad less tna content than I expected, particularly giv N the promotion of the boss on Impact. they said he was going to finally tell you how he really feels about Vince and wwe. apparently he really thinks they are pretty good and would never be able to live the life he has withoutthem.returnoreturnnot much at all about the actual countdown to lock down.

Marooned on Mars is a juvenile science fiction novel written by American writer Lester del …

Review of 'Marooned on Mars' on 'LibraryThing'

3 stars

It was pretty OK as far as old fashioned Sci-Fi goes. I certainly preferred the Heinlein Juveniles which I had just finished up before picking this one up. returnreturnAn earthling raised on the Moon is selected to be one of the first men to fly to Mars, by the UN (which now is the only government that matters in like 1990 or something). But they shift the date of launch to prior to his 18th birthday so he's not allowed to go. The Chinese are happy because they can send an American Chinaman instead. Our hero sneaks aboard, and all is happy. Until they land on mars, and they land hard and break the ship, they will all day. An extra mouth to feed doesn't help. They spend all their time trying to fix the ship and don't get to go find Martians, until the Martians find them.

Tunnel in the Sky (Paperback, 1977, Del Ray, Ballantine) 5 stars

Review of 'Tunnel in the Sky' on 'LibraryThing'

5 stars

I liked most of the Heinlein Juveiniles, and this was the last to add to my library. I think I may have liked this the best. It certainly seemed one of the most believalbe of them all. returnreturnRod starts as a dual enrolled High School student in a survival class, like a hard core version of one of my ORLM courses from NMU. Many in class will quit before the final exam, two weeks on a far off planet with no information on where they are going. returnreturnThe "Tunnel in the Sky" that the title references is apparently whatever teh Heinelin Jiveinles universe equivelant of the Stargate. I don't think I realized how many such variants on that duty exist, particularly as this is at lest 40 years before stargate was authored. returnRodturns up on his planet with nothing but a fear of the unkonw Stober he is warned of. …

Wrestlecrap (2003) 4 stars

Review of 'Wrestlecrap' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

So I figured this was just going to be a "Top 10 worst moments in Wrestling" YouTube video from back before that was a thing. I have a watched a lot of those, so I assumed it would be little new to me. While there certainly some items I had heard many times, Hogan is a giant jerk, Giant was thrown off the Cobo Center roof and we thought he died but he had no problem wrestling the main event, etc. I actually did find a lot of information that was new to me. I'm going to ahead and add a few of Hogan's "bad movies" to my DVD queue because they sounded just like the kind of movies I like to watch when I'm in a mood for a "bad movie"