I found this book extremely helpful - it pulled together a lot of things I already knew how to do, and it's got me looking for how to apply spectral analysis to the sort of data I handle.
The table of contents would be more useful for any would-be reader than my opinions.
- Information operations.
1.1. Information influence.
1.2. Information operation phases.
1.3. Information operations modeling.
1.4. Information operation recognition problem
1.5. Information operation counteraction problem
1.6. Document analysis
- OSINT - open source intelligence.
2.1. OSINT as intelligence domain.
2.1.1. OSINT application spheres.
2.1.2. International experience.
2.2. Information space monitoring.
2.3. Information sources.
2.3.1. The web-space.
2.3.2. Deep web
2.3.3. Social media..
2.3.4. Databases of open sources.
2.4. OSINT technologies
2.5. Legal aspects.
- Elements of non-linear dynamics for information
operations recognition
3.1. Time series
3.2. Correlation analysis
3.3. Fourier analysis
3.4. Wavelet analysis
3.5. Correlation with a pattern
3.6. Fractal analysis.
3.7. Multifractal analysis.
- Analysis of network structures during information
operation recognition
4.1. Network parameters
4.2. Network-specific features of information
- Decision-making support during information
operation detection
5.1. Hierarchic decomposition and complex target
oriented dynamic evaluation of alternatives.
5.2. Peculiarities of working with experts
5.3. A methodology of DSS application during
information operation detection
5.4. A methodology of DSS knowledge base building
during detection of information operations
5.5. Considering Importance of Information Sources
during Aggregation of Alternative Rankings.
5.6. Developing of information operation
counteraction strategy.
5.7. A concept of an information and analytical
system for information operation detection.