Reviews and Comments

Sean Bala

Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

A former religious studies student from the United States who lived in India and is now based in Chicago. Always have four to five books in rotation and always up for new recommendations! Favorite genres and topics: #fantasy #scifi #history #politics #anthropology #religion #speculative #mysteries #philosophy #theology #ecology #environment

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reviewed Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

Mere Christianity (Paperback, 2009, HarperSanFrancisco) 3 stars

Mere Christianity is a 1952 theological book by C. S. Lewis, adapted from a series …

Review of "Mere Christianity" on GoodReads

3 stars

"Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis is an engaging introduction to Christianity for any audience. Sometimes lacking in deeper intellectual rigor, the book is a well-written, easy to read and ultimately humane book that tries to lay out the Christian worldview in a clear manner.

Written as a series of lectures during World War II, Lewis interweaves theology, philosophy, and his own personal history together to present Christianity generally to a lay audience. The book improves as it goes forward, particularly in the sections on the ethics of a Christian life and oddly enough, in his explanation of the Trinity.

Lewis' thought as a Christian apologist has become very popular in the past eighty years and he is a thinker worth engaging, even only as a manifestation of a Christian viewpoint for the public sphere. I would put the caveat that this is indeed a book of apologetic written by an …

reviewed Beren and Luthien by J.R.R. Tolkien

Beren and Luthien (2017) 4 stars

Beren and Lúthien is a compilation of multiple versions of the epic fantasy Lúthien and …

Review of "Beren and Luthien" on Good Reads

4 stars

Whenever I read Tolkien, I am struck by just how prodigious his imagination was and how expansive the world he created could be. While many know him for "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings," these are only the tip of the spear for a huge number of beautiful, well-crafted stories made with deep love, creativity, and affection.

"Beren and Luthen" are part of the three texts which editor Christopher Tolkien says are the three most complete, stand-alone stories from the earlier works of his father (the other two being the "The Children of Húrin" and "The Fall of Gondolin." These stories were told in shorter form as part of his monumental work "The Silmarillion." What makes this sort of book so fascinating is that the editor takes this one tale and shows how it evolved over multiple iterations and forms throughout JRR Tolkien's creative process. It was a …

The Return of the King (Paperback, 2001, Houghton Mifflin Company) 3 stars

As the Shadow of Mordor grows across the land, the Companions of the Ring have …

Review of 'The Return of the King' on Goodreads

3 stars

"The Return of the King" by J.R.R. Tolkien brings the "The Lord of the Rings" to a ringing conclusion. At the end of the journey, one cannot help but be impressed by the level of detail and imagination that went into this beloved work of literature. While for the most part "The Return of the King" is a satisfying conclusion the story, the experience is lessened by a disjointed and often confusingly crafted narrative structure of the whole novel.

"The Return of the King" follows the battle between the forces of the West led by Gandalf and those of the Dark Lord Sauron. What is so wonderful about this volume is that each of the Hobbits is able to come fully into his own - Frodo completes his quest, Sam shows courage and bravery in Mordor, Merry becomes a squire to the King of Rohan, and Pippin enters into the …

The Two Towers (Paperback, 2002, Houghton Mifflin Company) 4 stars

Frodo and the Companions of the Ring have been beset by danger during their quest …

Review of 'The Two Towers' on Goodreads

4 stars

"The Two Towers" by J.R.R. Tolkien continues the rich, epic journey of "The Fellowship of the Ring," raising the stakes and plunging the heroes deeper into the fight for the fate of Middle Earth. This second volume is filled with memorable characters, rich landscapes, and poetic passages that shines through a somewhat odd and disjointed structure.

In this volume, the Fellowship splits into two parts. Book Three follows Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli as they chase after Merry and Pippin, kidnapped by Orcs and Urukai from Isengard, into Rohan, a fiercely independent kingdom under attack from Saurman. Book Four follows on parallel the story of Frodo and Sam as they move closer to Mordor to destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom and along the way, they encounter a malevolent character lurking the shadows.

In a previous review of "The Fellowship of the Ring" I commented on the …

The Fellowship of the Ring (Paperback, 2002, Houghton Mifflin Company) 5 stars

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring …

Review of "The Fellowship of the Ring" on Good Reads

4 stars

"The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien is the kind of book rich in details that one can find themselves getting lost in. Imaginative, magical, engrossing, and brilliantly constructed, the individual text is part of a larger novel title "Lord of the Rings" which is a amazing work of the imagination which often overshadows what is sometimes slow pacing and one-dimensional characters.

One is struck by the level of detail Tolkien put into creating his literary world. The details are so well drawn and defined and the background so deep that one often forgets that they are reading a work of fiction and not a long-lost history or legend. This is where Tolkien's background as a linguist and folklorist really shines, utilizing standard folkloric techniques and creates rich languages for his text.

"Fellowship" follows the story of Frodo Baggins, a hobbit who inherited a mysterious golden ring from his …

The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3) (2005) 5 stars

The Fellowship of the Ring is the first of three volumes of the epic novel …

Review of "The Lord of the Rings" on Good Reads

5 stars

“The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien is a book that is meant to be enjoyed slowly (but not too slowly). This is the second time that I have read the novel. The difference between the first and the second time is that when I first read the novel, I read it in the aftermath of the films. The films loomed so large over my teenage existence and you really could not get away from them. I started reading the novel and I got through the first half. Then I watched films and became annoyed at the novel because it the narrative was not linear and the images in the book did not match the ones in the film. I am saddened today by this fact – I remember the images in my mind from my reading of the first half without the film influencing my imagination. I also …