Reviews and Comments

Wild Woila

Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

I have #mecfs so I have a lot of time for reading, mostly #fantasy and #SciFi but I'm happy to dip into nearly anything.

Ratings: 1 star: I didn't like it 2 stars: it was okay 3 stars: I liked it 4 stars: I really liked it 5 stars: it was brilliant

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Two brothers (2012, Bantam Press) 1 star

Berlin 1920 Two babies are born. Two brothers. United and indivisible, sharing everything. Twins in …

Flat as a brick wall.

1 star

Brothers in a Jewish family strive to protect their loved ones from the increasing horrors of Nazi Germany. Boringly one-dimensional portrayal of Nazis - they're evil brutes, I get it. Distinct lack of emotional connection considering intensity of subject matter. Flat as a brick wall.

Reading time 7 days, 89 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm #HistoricalFiction

reviewed Cosmos by Carl Sagan

Cosmos (1980, Random House) 5 stars

This book is about science in its broadest human context, how science and civilization grew …

A Desolation Called Peace (Hardcover, 2021, Tor Books) 4 stars

An alien armada lurks on the edges of Teixcalaanli space. No one can communicate with …

Unclear motivations & prose

3 stars

Disappointing sequel despite potential. Some dubious premises (surely a galactic empire would have first contact specialists?). Unclear motivations & prose: I rarely understood why particular choices were being made. Also an annoying inconsistency: internally, characters were flailing haplessly, but in actuality they were exceedingly competent.

Reading time 6 days, 80 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm #SciFi

Permanent Record (Paperback, 2020, Picador) 4 stars

Permanent Record is a 2019 autobiography by Edward Snowden, whose revelations sparked a global debate …

Serious gumption

3 stars

I also grew up in a government town in the early days of home computers & the internet. Perhaps if I had stumbled across hacking I'd have ended up in a similar role to him, though I doubt I'd have his gumption to expose the gross overreach of the security services. Their capability was (and remains) alarming.

Reading time 9 days, 37 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm